Let me run down all the points we discussed to ensure I didn’t miss anything. This is no particular order.
- Trench around tree near the front
- Create a design plan for the bed next to the driveway
- Create a plan for low evergreens for semi circle bed with planter
- Touch of Gold Holly
- Perennials for the area around the Crape Myrtle Tree
- Candy Corn Spirea
- Blue Marvel Salvia or Spring King Salvia
- New plant ideas for existing bushes and open spaces in main front beds lining house
- Division of variegated liriope to fill in spaces
- Need hollytone or biotone to fertilize existing plants
- Three screening plants: one on back line, two on side fence
- Coppertop Viburnum
- Chindo Viburnum— back option only
- https://www.wilsonbrosgardens.com/viburnum-awabuki-chindo-7-gallon.html
- Alabama Beauty Camellia
- Northern Lights Camellia
- Tea Olive Shrub